HomeComing Global was founded in February 2020 to help prodigals who struggle with same sex attraction and/or gender confusion, so that they may be saved, healed, and made whole through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This would include parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends who have prodigals in their lives.   


In addition to working with individual prodigals and their families, HomeComing Global seeks to be a resource to Pastors and local churches by providing webinars, in person seminars, conferences, sermon series, written materials, and counseling referrals.  


Another important ministry of HomeComing Global is to recruit, develop and support Missionaries to the LGBTQ+ community. Missionaries who are effective in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to those wanting a new identity in Jesus Christ.  


We invite you to explore our website to discover more about HomeComing Global. Thank you for your interest and support of HomeComing Global.   

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